
  • How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: Some Common Questions Answered

    This is one of the most in-depth videos I’ve shot on how to start affiliate marketing, so tune in while you read this post:

    What is Affiliate Marketing?

    This is one of the most common questions we receive, and it’s actually quite simple:

    Affiliate marketing is a way for you (the affiliate) to earn a commission for recommending products or services to your friends or readers.

    To simplify it, here’s the 5 step process for how to start affiliate marketing:

    1. You find a product you want to promote
    2. Do a search for “product name” affiliate program. If it’s on Amazon, you can also promote it
    3. Sign up for their affiliate program
    4. You get a special link that allows the merchant to track the people who clicked your link
    5. If they buy the product, you get a commission.

    Pretty simple, right?

    It can get much more advanced, but in this post, we’re just going to start with the fundamentals and get you to the point where you’re ready to make your first commission.

    Check out our more detailed post for a bit more about the specifics of what affiliate marketing is.

    How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

    There are a lot of different ways to track affiliates these days, but nearly all of them are based on someone clicking your special tracking link.

    The most common and basic type of tracking is via a cookie.

    When an affiliate link is clicked, a small file called a cookie is stored on the user’s computer. Then they buy a product, the merchant can see that they were referred by you.

    There are also more advanced methods based on the email used or IP address – but we won’t get into those here, we’ll stick to the most important stuff you need to know.

    How Much Money Can You Make With Affiliate Marketing?

    The amount you can make will vary wildly – it honestly falls somewhere between zero and millions.

    Your income will be directly related to the type of offers you promote, how much traffic you get to the site, and your grasp of other online marketing skills like email marketing and SEO.

    But in this post you’ll get a pretty good sense of the earning potential from different types of promotions.

    I personally make multiple six figures a year through affiliate marketing.

    But it wasn’t always that way:

    How Do You Become an Affiliate Marketer?

    Here’s the thing, you can pick just about any product that you can buy online, and there will be an affiliate program that will pay you a finders fee for referring a sale.

    However, just because you can promote anything, doesn’t mean you should. 

    The most important thing to consider when selecting a product to market is, “is it relevant to your audience?

    For instance, for me to try and advertise for dumbbells on Location Rebel probably isn’t the smartest thing, because 99% of my audience could care less about them.

    However, for me to promote, say, WP Engine a WordPress hosting company – makes much more sense, since almost every one of my readers either has or has considered starting a website.

    And just recently, we promoted Streak as an awesome tool for freelancers to use to monitor leads right from their inbox. Once again, that’s something that speaks directly to the audience.

    Here’s How to Start Affiliate Marketing on Your Blog in 8 Steps:

    • Step 1: Create a Website or A Blog
    • Step 2: Choose an Industry, and then Niche Down
    • Step 3: Research Products in Your Niche that You Can Review
    • Step 4: Sign Up for the Amazon Affiliate Program
    • Step 5: Find affiliate programs for the other products you want to review
    • Step 6: Create content in the form of tutorials, review posts, resource pages, or emails and use your affiliate link
    • Step 7: Optimize the page and track your rankings in Google
    • Step 8: Rinse and Repeat!

    I thought about walking you through this whole process within this post, but honestly it’s all pretty straight forward and a lot of that is stuff you probably already know.

    So rather than do that, I want to really focus on the specifics of understanding what makes a good affilaite product, and how to successfully promote it.

    Go check this out if you’re looking for a full breakdown of how to build and monetize an affiliate blog or niche site.

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    Types of Affiliate Products: Physical vs. Information vs. Services

    There are three different types of affiliate products you can promote as a marketer

    1. Physical Products
    2. Information Products
    3. Services

    Each of these has pros and cons, and we’re going to look at those now.

    How to Promote Physical Products as an Affiliate Marketer

    Physical products are probably the easiest thing to promote for one reason, and one reason only: Amazon.

    Amazon has the world’s largest affiliate program, and once you sign up, you can get a link for any product on the site, earn a (small) commission on it!

    As it sits currently, you can earn between 1 and 4.5% on any product you promote through the Amazon affiliate program. What that percentage is depends on the category it falls into. You can see that breakdown here.

    Most of the stuff I promote I get a 3% commission on.

    One of the nice things about promoting via Amazon is that you get a commission on everything the buyer purchases – not just the specific product link they clicked on.

    So let’s say that I’m promoting some golf balls on my golf website.

    The balls cost $50, so I’ll only earn $1.50. But, what if that same person also buys a set of golf clubs for $1,000, and a new golf rangefinder for $300?

    Then all of a sudden that $1.50 turns into $41.50.

    Amazon has a 24 hour cookie. So what that means is that if someone clicks on your link, they then have 24 hours to make a purchase in order for you to get credit.

    It also doesn’t have to be for the product they clicked on. If they click on your golf ball link and then buy a new TV? You still get credit!

    Other Ways to Promote Physical Products

    So in a lot of ways, Amazon is like the gateway drug to promoting affiliate products because it’s very easy, and hundreds of millions of people use it on a daily basis.

    But as you get more experienced, you’ll find there are more lucrative ways to promote physical products.

    For instance, the REI affiliate program has a 5% commission and a 15 day cookie. If you have an outdoor-themed website, you have the potential to make nearly twice as much money on the products you promote, and you’re able to give people more time to buy.

    Do as many people buy from REI as Amazon? No, but within your niche, you may find REI to be preferred and more trusted by your readers.

    Many companies also offer their own affilaite program where they pay even higher commissions.

    In the golf world I work with about a dozen companies directly that have affiliate commissions of between 8-20%. With most falling in the 10-15% range.

    To give an example I promote golf rangefinders.

    With one brand, if I sell a $500 rangefinder on Amazon? I make $15.

    But if I sell that same one direct through a company’s affiliate program? I make $50.

    Not as many people buy direct from the website, but considering I make over 3 times as much per sale, it’s worth it to promote it there!

    In a recent month for this specific brand I sold 140 rangefinders with commissions of $1,377.15 on Amazon.

    I also promoted it directly through their website, where I only sold 53 rangefinders, but made a commission of $1,687.83.

    This doesn’t take into account other products people bought at the same time on Amazon – but it gives you an idea of how expanding to other physical product affiliate programs can be beneficial.

    If you’re serious about Amazon affiliate marketing? I’d recommend you check out “The Affiliate Marketing Video Course” it’s a small investment, and the dude behind it is the smartest affiliate marketer I know. I can’t recommend the course highly enough.

    How to Sign Up for Amazon’s Partner Program

    Signing up for Amazon’s affiliate program is an excellent starting point.


    Because the chances are good you already use Amazon, are familiar with it, and your readers are too.

    You can sign up and get links immediately from the Amazon Affiliate program right here.

    We’ve got you covered as well if you want to learn more about Amazon Affiliate Marketing.

    Other Affiliate Networks to Consider

    Most larger companies will use what’s called an affiliate network to host their products. These are sites you sign up for that might represent dozens of brands, and it’s how you get your special links and marketing materials.

    Other smaller companies might do this in house, so it’s worth reaching out and doing a little research here.

    But the major affiliate networks that I’ve used are:

    • Flex Offers
    • Commission Junction
    • Share-a-Sale
    • Rakuten Advertising
    • Impact Radius

    Many of the largest companies work with them (for instance many of the golf companies I work with), and building a relationship with a larger affiliate network can lead to more opportunities that you might not have found otherwise.

    Affiliate Marketing for Information Products

    Honestly? I love promoting information products.

    What is an information product? It’s a digital product, course, or community that is created by an expert in their field.

    For instance, our flagship product Location Rebel Academy is an information product.

    There are a lot of reasons that information products are so great to promote:

    • Often they are higher priced, which means higher commissions
    • They can have a personality behind them, which builds trust and makes them easier to sell
    • There are often full marketing funnels behind them aiding in sales
    • They solve a problem or provide a solution that your readers are looking for

    Generally, it can be a little bit more work to become an affiliate for these products because often the creator is a bit more protective of who they let market the products.

    There’s also no central place you can go to join like you could with Amazon. Usually, you’ll need to talk to the author directly or look for an “affiliates” page on their product site.

    Another significant benefit of promoting information products is that they usually have higher commissions than physical products.

    30-50% is fair standard when it comes to promoting info products. Why? There are no hard costs associated with it.

    And if a product creator can pay a percentage of any sale to an affiliate rather than have to spend significant amounts of money on ads? That’s a win for everyone involved.

    When I promote information products I usually look for high-priced products created by people who are good at marketing. Why?

    Because all I have to do is send traffic to their funnel, and they convert the sale. My work is relatively minimal.

    I mentioned my Bangkok story above, but one of my first really big wins came through marketing an information product for building software businesses. Over 12 months I made over $20k in commissions from a blog post, 2 webinars, and a handful of dedicated emails.

    That’s it.

    So if you have a course or product that you’ve personally used and seen a lot of success from, check and see if there’s an affiliate program – because if you’re going to recommend it anyway, you might as well get paid for it!

    Affiliate Marketing for Service Products

    The third type of product you can promote is a service. This is another big one for me, because of the nature of what I write about here.

    My business doesn’t function without hosting, a theme, email software etc.

    So it can be easy to make a sale on services because if I personally love and use them, there’s a good chance you will too.

    If you’re lucky, you can find a service that pays recurring commissions based on monthly payments.

    For instance, SEMrush for years paid 40% referral fees each month for the life of the account. So if someone I refer joins for $99/month? I’d be making nearly $40/month for as long as they were a customer.

    These days we’ve seen a lot of companies shift to one time payments. Now, SEMrush pays a flat fee of $200 for each new customer. Still, not too shabby.

    But if you find those recurring commissions, you can build a solid stream of passive income if your promote it properly.

    Think about which services you use and if it makes sense to promote them on your site. You can usually expect commissions between 15-30% on service products – sometimes higher or lower depending on what it is. Or if it’s a single payment, you can expect it to be equivalent to 2 months of payments.

    My Favorite Affiliate Programs for Online Services

    If you have a website related to online marketing, blogging, or business, there are fortunately a lot of really solid affiliate programs out there for different services.

    I wanted to share a few of my favorites so that you can get a sense of what an affiliate program entails, and start to get a feel for what might work on your site.

    • SEMrush – This is the affiliate program for the SEO research tool SEMrush. I use this religiously on Location Rebel, and their affiliate program gives you all the resources you need and pays $200 for each new referral.
    • Bluehost – On top of being my favorite web host for brand new bloggers, Bluehost starts out paying generous affiliate fees of $65 for every new sign-up you refer. Their affiliate managers are fantastic, and I’ve had great results with their service.
    • WP Engine – I host all of my high-traffic sites on WP Engine, and have had nothing but positive experiences with them over the years.

    Why Choose Affiliate Marketing Over Other Types of Blog Monetization

    Most new bloggers assume that advertising or banner ads are the best way to monetize your site.

    Up until a couple of years ago, I’d say you couldn’t be more wrong.


    Because you needed a ton of traffic in order to make a significant amount of money, and the ads themselves would devalue your site and make it look horrible.

    These days, this isn’t exactly true.

    If you get to the point where you have 50k views a month, you’re able to qualify for certain ad networks (I like Mediavine) that actually pay pretty well for display ads.

    They’re still ugly, but you can make some serious money as your traffic grows. About 3 years ago I decided to put ads on my site for a 3 month trial. I wanted to see if anyone would complain, and what revenue would look like?

    In that entire time I haven’t had as single person complain about the ads. And last month? I made just over $7,000 from ads. That’s $7,000 for doing literally nothing extra. Hard to argue with that.

    Mediavine Revenue

    My Mediavine revenue for April.

    If you’re curious about how to make passive income through display ads, then watch this video:

    But this post is about affiliate marketing.

    So why would I choose affiliate marketing as a primary revenue stream over display ads?

    A lot of reasons, but a few of them are:

    • They won’t clutter up your site and ruin the aesthetics
    • You can get started even if you don’t have a ton of traffic
    • When done the right way, affiliate links can help build trust with your audience, rather than detract from it
    • You can get paid for products you already use and love
    • Over time you can get free products to review

    These are just a handful of the reasons affiliate marketing is such a good way to monetize your site, but they certainly aren’t the only ones.

    And keep in mind, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. You can have display ads and affiliate links. Just be sure you’re not trying too hard to make money that you’re losing trust in the process.

    Here’s an example of a recent post I did on Breaking Eighty, where I reviewed the best golf launch monitors. I wrote a post, and shot a video. I have affiliate links for all the products.

    Not only that for some of the products I was able to negotiate coupon codes with the companies, that provide a discount for my readers. Best part is? If that coupon code gets used, I make a commission as well, just as I would if they clicked the link.

    Best Affiliate Products for Beginners

    As you’re getting going, there are three specific types of products I recommend starting to market. These are ones that will give you the best chance of success in growing your business and actually making commissions early on.

    I cover those here:

    How to Promote an Affiliate Offer

    Ok, now the most important part.

    By now you should have a good sense of what affiliate marketing is, have an idea of what products you want to promote and know how to get your affiliate links for them.

    But if you don’t know how to properly promote them, it doesn’t really matter now, does it? Nope.

    In this section, we’re going to look at some of the easiest and most successful ways to promote an affiliate offer.

    Affiliate Marketing With a Resource Page

    This is probably the easiest thing you can do right now to bring in a few sales over the coming weeks: create a resource page.

    Regardless of what your business is, there are tools, products, and services that you use to run your blog or business. By putting together a page of all of your tools and resources, you’re creating something that’s shareable, as well as useful.

    You can also do a variation on this, and do a gift guide.

    Our Best Gifts for Writers is a good example of this, and around certain holidays this brings in a nice bit of side income.

    Affiliate Marketing with Product Reviews

    If you’ve built up a lot of trust with your audience, product reviews are a fantastic way to generate some sales. This works for all three types of products you can promote, and I’ve personally seen success with each.

    They key to a successful product review is honesty.

    I’d generally only review things you like, but if there are drawbacks or little things that bother you – be upfront about them. Most people know that no product is perfect, so if you set expectations and are open with them, there’s a good chance they’ll buy it anyway.

    Make sure you include the following items in any product review:

    • Clear headline featuring your desired keyword (“product name review” for instance)
    • Clear links for where to buy at both the top and bottom of the page
    • A clear recommendation
    • A personal story about how you use the product or why you recommend it

    I’ve done this with a lot of success on my golf site.

    Arccos Caddie

    Here’s a review a golf product that makes up to a few dozen sales a month. I said why I like it, I discussed the downfalls, and then made it clear why I’m ok with them.  

    And another I did on Bluffworks, an awesome travel pant that I love for trips.

    This post goes into way more detail about how to make money affiliate marketing through product reviews.

    Affiliate Marketing with Tutorials

    Tutorials are easily one of the most effective strategies for driving affiliate sales. They can take a long time to put together, but it’s also totally worth it.

    So what is a tutorial exactly?

    Simple, you create a post that shows people how to accomplish something step by step – you then make a product or service one of the key components to success.

    I’ve done a couple of these.

    With my How to Build a Niche Site post, I talk about all the steps you need to take to get a niche site up and running. So that includes some of the tools I know and love like a hosting service and ConvertKit.

    I have another post, How to Set Up a Blog, that brings people step by step through the process using Bluehost. Readers can go through that post with no website at all and have their site ready to rock in less than 15 minutes using the tutorial.

    You can also do it via video. Here’s an affiliate post I did walking you through how to do keyword research using SEMrush.

    I make hundreds of dollars a month off of both of these posts but I know they are also really valuable to readers and we make sure to update them frequently.

    Affiliate Marketing with Comparison Posts

    These can be another really effective strategy for making affiliate sales.

    It works well when there are either two products that are very similar and people are thinking about one or the other.

    A great example would be comparing the PlayStation 5 vs the Xbox Series X.

    If people are looking for a new game console, it’s probably going to be one of the two. That said, I don’t recommend you choose these because due to the overwhelming amount of information about both – it’d be hard to rank well in the search engines for any terms related to them.

    A recent example I did is this post comparing the Garmin R10 vs. the Mevo Plus. 

    Mevo plus vs R10

    An example of an affiliate comparison post.

    These are two golf products that consumers are very often trying to choose between.

    Here’s an in-depth post that compares and contrasts all of the different options for hosting – and helps the user to select the best option for them.

    Using an Email Series to Start Affiliate Marketing

    This is probably the most effective (and most advanced) method we’ll talk about for making affiliate sales: your email list.

    If you’re getting to the point where you have a sizable list, you can create a series of emails to promote a product. This works best if it’s an information product with relatively high commissions.

    For this to work well you should have the following:

    • A list of at least 1,000 people
    • A product you’ve either used and had success with, or have a very good story/reason for promoting
    • A product that converts well (talk to the creator about this)

    I’ve found a 3 email series usually works well for this, but don’t start going this direction until you’ve had some experience with either email marketing or the other affiliate strategies we’ve talked about.

    5 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes You Never Want to Make

    Over the years, I’ve made a lot of affiliate marketing mistakes, so check out that post and make sure you don’t fall into some of the same traps I did as you’re getting started with your affiliate promotions!

    Or if video is more your thing? Watch this:

    A Few Last Affiliate Marketing Tips

    If you follow along with the strategies above, you’ll be making affiliate sales in no time off of your blog.

    To improve your chances even more, I’ve got a couple more tips for you.

    Use Lasso

    I’ve been using Lasso on Breaking Eighty for about a year now, and I absolutely love it. 

    The major benefit it provides is that it gives me essentially an affiliate link database. So if my link changes? I can update it in one place, and it’ll update it across every single link on the site.

    It also does a great job of displaying affiliate links in a way that makes them more prominent and more clickable.

    Here’s an example of that:

    LASSO: Affiliate Link Manager for WordPress

    LASSO: Affiliate Link Manager for WordPress

    14-Day Trial

    Find new income opportunities, increase clicks, and measure what’s making money by managing your links with LASSO.

    Sign Up for LASSO Today!

    We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

    Develop a Good Relationship with an Affiliate Manager

    Most major affiliate programs for physical products or services will have an affiliate manager, whose sole job is to help you generate more sales.

    You’ll need to prove to them that you have some potential, but do your best to get them on the phone before you start doing any major promotions. They’ll be able to give you a good sense of what works, what doesn’t, and potentially even give you a boost in commissions.

    One phone call nearly doubled my commissions for one hosting company in particular.

    Affiliate Marketing Alternatives: 4 Other Online Businesses to Supplement Your Affiliate Marketing Business

    • Freelance Writing – The easiest way to start a business online, start building some skills, and building confidence in your ability to successfully do something like affiliate marketing.
    • Niche Sites – Once you get the basics of affiliate marketing down, you can really hone in on repeating the process and creating niche sites on all sorts of different topics.
    • Blogging – A huge component of every good affiliate marketing site is the blog, take that skill set and translate it into another business.
    • Physical Products – Want to make a physical product that ties into your niche and then sell it online? If you want to work at it, there’s a ton of opportunity here.
  • Mayan history

    The Dominican missionaries in Guatemala observed that the Indians were passionately fond of dancing and singing. The joyousness which originally existed in their nature or temperament has become extinct. The usual tenour of their lives seems to be accompanied by a quiet, subdued melancholy.

    • It is not improbable that, as a consequence of several centuries of Spanish domination, the aboriginal races have sunk into a dull and apathetic state.
    • It is however possible that other influences acted upon the taciturn and wild natures of these tribes. The innate disposition of the natives to worship idols in Guatemala was found to be equally existing with the Mayas in Yucatan, who also had the custom of making pilgrimages to the shrines.
    • It is mentioned by Landa that the pilgrims stopped when passing near any of the deserted or ruined temples, and were accustomed to mutter prayers, and offer incense. This custom was in accordance with the acts of devotion which I saw practised by the Tzendal Indians in Chiapas before the ruined walls of the church at Bachajon.

    There are circumstances connected with the domination of the Aztecs, and possibly also with that of their predecessors the Quiché-Toltecs, which require to be noticed. It is unquestionable that slavery would have been the fate of any tribe or race conquered by North American Indians. But the fact of slaves or captives being bought and sold for the purpose of being killed and offered to the gods is extraordinary. Great numbers of the natives were annually sacrificed, and astonishing acts of cannibalism were committed. Whatever may have been the hardships inflicted by the Spaniards upon the Mexican Indians, it is satisfactory to be assured that the discovery of America, and the conquests of Cortes put an end to the most horrible condition of things that has ever been known to have existed in any part of the world.

    There are, however, other facts to be taken into consideration. It has been assumed that there was a condition of comparative civilisation amongst the ruling tribes, which seemed to be in such a progressive state as to lead to the conclusion that there were elements of knowledge which might have been so far developed in the course of time as to have brought these Indians into the ranks of civilised nations. With regard to this subject it should be observed that when the Spaniards conquered Central America, the progress that may have been partially made had already ceased. The monasteries at Palenque and in Yucatan had been abandoned. Even when they were flourishing, the knowledge that was taught did not extend to the people. It was confined to the priesthood, the caciques, and the few scholars who were trained for the purpose of interpreting the signs and characters by which information was spread abroad. It was by one of these interpreters that Cortes was made acquainted with the conspiracy that was being organized against him by Guatimozin during the march to Honduras. How or in what manner this comparative intelligence arose suddenly in the land is a problem of the greatest difficulty.

  • Nunnery Quadrangle

    Nunnery Quadrangle

    The main entrance to the nunnery is through a gateway placed in the centre of the southern part of the quadrangle. Upon each side of this entrance there are four chambers, and it is to be noticed, as an evidence of the conventual character of the building, that these are the only rooms that have direct access to the outer world. All the others are within and look into the court. They had a blank wall at the back, which excluded all communication with the exterior. The principal front looks towards the pyramids adjoining the Casa del Gobernador. The architectural proportions of the archway are symmetrical. The height and span, like all other parts of these Indian structures, are practically determined by the angle of inclination of the converging sides. In this case the arch is about seventeen feet high and nearly eleven feet wide. After passing through it, a wide court is entered. It is surrounded on four sides by long ranges of low stone buildings. The base, or lower part of them, is built of plain square slabs of masonry. The upper parts are covered with fanciful designs, sculptured with great skill.

    The whole of these buildings are exclusively arranged for the purpose of providing the greatest possible number of chambers or monastic cells. I did not count them, but it has been stated that there are altogether eighty-eight. It is perhaps important to note, with reference to this unusual number of rooms, that they are too numerous to admit of the theory that they were intended for the accommodation of the priests serving the adjacent temples, for according to the statements of Clavigero, the number of priests always corresponded with the number of the Teocallis. It is therefore presumable that these cells had some other purpose. The priests may have been lodged in the Casa del Gobernador. That building contains twenty-four chambers, the majority of which are of the same size and plan as these in the Casa de las Monjas. It is useless to attempt to conjecture the precise purposes of these buildings, for there has been no exact information obtained upon the subject, but everything points to the conclusion that the whole of the structures at Uxmal were connected with the worship of the gods, and had no relation to the ordinary lives of the Indians.

    “The whole of the façades of the nunnery are elaborately sculptured, and the mechanical abilities of the builders are well brought into notice.”

    It is probable that places like Uxmal and Palenque with their temples and monasteries, were set apart for religious purposes, and the Indians assembled there from the adjacent country with the object of being present at the ceremonies, in the same manner as they are now accustomed to perform their pilgrimages when the patron saints of the churches have their festivals. When taking into consideration the question of the period when it may be conjectured that the temples at Uxmal were abandoned, it is necessary to direct attention to the design or emblem which is placed upon one of the walls of the interior of the Casa de las Monjas.

    Upon an examination of the accompanying illustration, it will be observed that the figure represented is that of a huge serpent or rattlesnake. A serpent was also the emblem or Totem of one of the tribes of the Mound Builders in Ohio, and there appear to be singular resemblances between the reptile carved in stone at Uxmal and that which is rudely made of earth and stones, and placed on high ground overlooking a valley in North America. Both reptiles have peculiarly large mouths, opened wide, ready to devour and swallow their prey or their enemies.

    It is perhaps not unreasonable to infer that the tribe who migrated from the north, conquered the unwarlike natives of Yucatan, raised the great pyramids, and built the temples in that region, were subsequently conquered by a more powerful tribe of the same race, also migrating from higher latitudes. The former tribe were forced to desert their buildings, and avoided slavery or extermination by escaping into the interior. The serpent stands out in bold relief. The whole of the façades of the nunnery are elaborately sculptured, and the mechanical abilities of the builders are well brought into notice.

  • Pyramid of the Magician

    Pyramid of the Magician

    My first day at Uxmal was employed in making a rough survey of the land occupied by the ruins.

    One of the most important of these is that known as the Pyramid of the Dwarf (or Pyramid of the Magician). I examined it with particular attention for the purpose of studying the character of a series of small stone vaults or cells placed round its base, which were similar in size and design to those that I had seen on the lower slopes of the Kue near the coast above Campeachy. Many of these cells were sufficiently perfect to enable their dimensions and shape to be verified. It seemed evident that they must have been made for sepulchral purposes. If this conclusion is correct it is probable that they were the burial places for the ashes of the caciques who ruled over this part of Yucatan.

    Upon an investigation of the outer parts of the pyramid, it is to be observed that it was not only carefully constructed, but its plan must have been accurately drawn and the relative mathematical measurements calculated with reference to the space that was required for the temple.

    The magnitude of the base could not be determined, on account of the quantities of fallen stones and other débris. In 1841, Mr. Stephens considered that it was two hundred and thirty-five feet long by one hundred and fifty-five feet wide. The perpendicular height to the platform was estimated to be eighty-eight feet.

    The steps leading up to the summit are broad, and must have formed an imposing approach, but in consequence of the angle of the slope they are necessarily steep, and are placed so close together that there is barely sufficient width for the foot to rest. At the base of the pyramid there is an open court, which I observed to be similar in shape to one adjoining the base of an altar built by the Quichés at Utatlan, but it was larger in extent. The court leads to the entrance of the Casa de las Monjas.

    This building may be considered to be the result of the greatest powers of sculpture and ornamentation that the Indians possessed, and judging from the condition of many of its chambers, it is probably one of the latest of their works. It is nearly quadrangular, and encloses an area of over six thousand square yards.

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